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Mobile Device Visitors

The following list shows a few interesting facts about SouthHigh68.com.

It compares the usage data beween Oct 8 - and Oct 14, versus Oct 15 - Oct 21.

This is just mobile data, which includes cell phones and tablets.  Other computers, such as laptops, desktops and Macs also visit.

The prior week was our biggest with all the reunion weekend activity swirling around, so we’re down a bit since then.

Note that the 317 mobile users is many more than we have in our class.  That’s because there are a lot of people who check out the site without being a class member and without logging in.  They can still see about 95% of the site without being an official part of the class.  Try checking out the site sometime without logging in and you can see what they see.  No forums, What’s New, Profiles, or private messaging, but the rest is wide open.  We could shut off that access, but why?

We think that this is the most comprehensive (and, hopefully, interesting) website ever built for any South High class.  Maybe any Bakersfield class, too. People are curious.

As you can see, Apple dominates our mobile device population.  The rest are distant also-rans.