The 1967-68 School Year Scrap Book
This exhaustive compilation of news about South High was apparently put together on behalf of Robert Hamilton, president of the South High PTA at that time. Ron Wilson, class of 1968, ran across this treasure chest of 50 year old information entirely by accident. In fact, it took us awhile to determine that it had to have been assembled by someone affiliated with Mr Hamilton. The actual author's name is unknown at this time.
Much of the scrap book consists of newspaper articles from the Bakersfield Californian, including sports summaries written by Patti Keller and others. You will also find pieces about the school district in general, which was a major clue in figuring out the book's origin.
Due to the size of the scanned document, we had to break it into smaller parts for presentation on the web. We decided to divide it into months. The first part, however, includes events and activities that were sponsored by the PTA throughout the year, including the football carnival, ASB banquet, Faculty Follies, a Christmas Concert, and various other events and activities. For some odd reason, an East High football program (versus South) is included, as well.
We doubt that there are many classes, anywhere, that have so much information about their last year in high school. The book itself has seen little use since it was created 50 years ago.
Some of the files are still fairly large, so have a bit of patience when downloading.
I've taken the liberty to extract a few quotes from the articles, mainly about our football team that year. We had a tough time with a mostly small and/or inexperienced offensive line (exclusive of Wallace and Jack). Three of our regular linemen were smaller than I was, which is unusual. Unfortunately, they were the three guys right in front of the QB. There were a few first-time senior players on that team, including Dan McClean, Ray Hernandez and David Frye. Jeff Burns hadn't played since his freshman year, and even then, as a 9th grader, he was sitting on the bench next to me behind junior Vince Smith. Due to my own non-experience as a C player, no football my soph year, and only a few games as a JV starter my junior year, I was not exactly experienced, either. We had senior running backs with experience but it did us little good without sufficient blocking up front. Eventually, the team gained seasoning and, more importantly, discovered the running ability of Brent McClanahan. Mostly running behind the blocking of Wallace Williams, Jack Fisher and our fullbacks, Brent became so successful that the team turned into a single dimensional running team in the final games that year. Of course, a single dimensional running team that actually gains yards is better than a multi-dimensional team that can't get back to the line of scrimmage. Brent, in the class of 1969, would later play at Arizona State and then the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL. Though our senior year was a "building" year in which younger players were given valuable experience (at the seniors' expense!), it all paid off for South in the end. The next year the Rebels were Valley Champs!
By the way, in no way do I intend to malign or put down the efforts of our undersized interior line of 50 years ago. Imagine having to go out there every week with little experience and weighing 20 pounds less than your defensive adversary! They played very hard and never gave up. As I recall, the center was Denny McLean (5'8" 157 lb junior), right guard was Dan McClean (5' 8" 174 lb first year senior) and Dave Peeler (5'6" , 162 lb junior). I was actually 5'11" and weighed about 175. As I look at the old programs, I see that they were even smaller than I had recalled.
[ Reunion Update: I spoke to Ray Hernandez at the reunion and mentioned to him that he must have gotten some playing time with Wallace hurt. He told me not really, because Ray was injured. as well! I have no idea who the deep reserves were that we had playing offensive tackle at that point. Helps explain our results.]
As long as we are talking about football, perhaps the most amazing story for our class is that of David Frye. He never played high school football until his senior year, yet became an all-city defensive lineman! It took me 50 years to realize that this happened. Sometimes it pays to read the newspaper, even if it is decades after it was published. Too bad he couldn't have helped out on the offensive line. Probably would have been all-league there, too!
[ Reunion Update: I spoke to Dave at the M&G and congratulated him in being named to the All City football team. A little late, but what's 50 years? He told me that he would have played much more football but had to work after school during his first three years. Now you know. He also told me that he developed a special move with his right forearm that all but neutralized the opposing linemen. ]
As a memory exercise, I decided to augment the newspaper coverage of the games with my own "up close and personal" view of each game. My recollections after 50 years are spotty and obviously centered around my part in the contests, but I was also in the middle of much of the play in general. I would be interested in what anybody else remembers. I told the committee folks about what I was planning to do and they assured me that they would have no interest in reading any of it. One of them said, "Jim, do you know what girls did at football games? We sat up in the stands and talked and rarely knew what was going on down on the field." Oh, well.
You can't breathe yesterday's air but sometimes it's fun to look back and try to remember what the heck happened.
Read about it here: PTA Sponsored Events
September 1967
Schools Set for Opening Tomorrow
KCUHSD Expects 18,805 Students
South High's Growth Described
South High Alumni Group Planned at Monday Meet
SHS Into 11th Year
Football Carnival Queens to Reign
High Schools in Kern Top '66 Students
Student Participation Pushed at South High
South Sends 24 Entries to Kern Fair
Carnival Crowd May Hit 15,000
Rebel Yell Vol 11, No.1 September 15, 1967
Vikes Win Carnival - Newest SYL Team Beats Out Blades
-- QB Notes: I remember nothing about the carnival 50 years ago. Looks like Brent played QB and did a good job in these abbreviated "games".
SH Lacks Size and Experience (Lafond -- speaks for itself)
Mini-Skirted Coeds Get Cool School Reception
Rebel Backfield and new teacher bios
Rebel Yell Vol 11, No 2 September 22, 1967
Letters Announce June Retirement of McCuen, Taber
Defense Paces Rebel Victory (Porterville)
-- QB Notes: I remember almost nothing about this game. Brent apparently started at QB. All of the points were made by South's defense, which was pretty good all year. Jerry scooped up a fumble and Eugene intercepted a pass, both going for touchdowns. Reading ahead I see that Brent was hurt in the first half of this game, so evidently, I played most of the game. Paper said I did a "topnotch" job, whatever that is. Still didn't score any points.
More new teachers
School Bond Construction Plans Told
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.3 September 29, 1967
Rebels Open Home Slate Vs. Hanford
Rebels Bow to Hanford
--QB Notes: I recall starting and getting repeatedly hammered by Hanford's experienced line. I remember getting over center, looking across at the Hanford lineman between the two McCleans, and saying to myself: "No way are these little guys going to stop the big nose guard from splitting them and tackling me in the backfield before I can even hand the ball off." And that is exactly what happened. Possibly several times. I got knocked down on almost every play. They were able to get in the backfield and disrupt just about everything we tried to do. No ground game and certainly no time to pass. It was not a fun experience. Another thing I picked up from reading the 50 year old articles is that we had a lot of injuries. Besides Brent, guard Phil Walker injured a knee in the carnival and never really made it back. I recall the sadness and frustration Phil had all season long. He really wanted to play and he certainly would have helped us. You only get one shot at this. According to the paper, a "half-dozen" South starters did not suit up for the Hanford game. I think that Jeff Burns started the second half. Though he did get caught in the endzone for a safety, he was also able to throw a 55-yard touchdown to Doug Smith towards the end of the game.
Read about it here: September 1967
October 1967
Trustees Select Two Superintendents
Photo - BC Renegades former SHS alumni
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.4 October 6, 1967
Rebel Gridders Hit Road for First Encounter With Delano
Rebels Drop 14-0 Nod to Delano 11
--QB Notes: Really don't remember much about this. Another strong defensive team that was in our backfield all night. Our defense was evidently pretty good, once again. I recall that at this point in the season I was still playing both ways -- offense and defense, so there wasn't much time to catch your breath. I was playing defensive back at the time, possibly safety. Evidently, there were a few fumbles by both teams. After 50 years, however, I do recall who drove us there and back: the school bus driver.
Three Courses Added to South Program
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.5 October 13, 1967
Arvin Has '66 Score to Settle Against Reb Gridmen Tonight
CSF Photo
Arvin Downs Rebs, Kennedy Injured
--QB Notes: Paper says that Brent came off the injured list and played in this game. I don't recall playing QB, but could be wrong. Arvin was physically much stronger than we were. They also had good team speed and a balanced attack. They ended up winning their league. We only had 20 yards rushing so it is doubtful that Brent had switched to running back at this point. Not sure where the 44 passing yards on 18 attempts came from. Maybe somebody remembers. Something I do recall, though I am not particularly proud of it, was causing Junior Kennedy's shoulder injury. As the paper says, he was running down the sideline on a punt return and I had an angle on him. I caught up with him, flung my body at him at full speed, and knocked him out of bounds in front of their bench. I hit him pretty high and it resulted in the injury when he hit the ground. The game stopped for awhile. Junior was back in the lineup within a couple weeks to finish out a successful senior campaign, though he reinjured the shoulder when Arvin went to the playoffs. He was a great high school athlete and truly versatile -- football, basketball and baseball. He eventually made it to the Big Leagues in baseball, becoming a first round draft choice, ahead of Greg Luzinski and Gary Matthews. In today’s world, that would be worth millions. Not so much then.
The one good thing about my senior football year was that I did not get hurt, despite being hit so many times. It has crossed my mind a few times that the reason I don't remember that much about the games is that I was constantly "getting my bell rung". Nah. Probably just the effects of 50 years of living.
Rebs Will Try to Quiet North Roar
"Our passing attack hasn't had a chance to get started this year because the quarterbacks have barely had time to turn around. We've looked poor in everything we've done," says Lafond.
North Faces Jinx Rebel 11 Tonight
Phil Klusman (local sports writer) Analysis: Lafond will start a line 20 pounds per man lighter than the Stars, and only end Jack Fisher has any varsity experience. In fact, guard Dan McLean and tackle Ray Hernandez are seniors playing their first year of football, and will be starting their first game this season along with junior end Doug Smith. The backfield, led by lettermen Eugene Walker and Walt Topic, has more experience, but they haven't been able to break loose, mainly because the line hasn't been able to hold out the opposition. Lafond has changed his offensive formation from the split-T to the I in hopes of a little more offensive success. While South will be forced to go both ways with all but two of its players, Eliades hopes to start completely different offensive and defensive units.
CC Backs Two School Bond Issues
Photo - Herbert Jung and National Merit Scholarship
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.7 October 27, 1967
North Grids Roll to 28-7 Victory Over South High (second part of article)
--QB Notes: As the paper says, "Can a small and inexperienced South High football team find happiness against a big and experienced North High grid squad?" Reading the 50 year old paper, I see that Wallace Williams also did not play in the game due to injury. No Wallace, no ground game. We may have switched to the I formation -- which is a "running" formation -- but it didn't do any good against North, who had a strong and experienced team, with at least two big, bruising runners. Their defense was aggressive, but the offense was relentless. I seem to recall that their backs broke through the line and into our defensive backfield many times. Going both ways, I think that I just got worn out in that game pursuing their runners. There was at least one instance where I just plain missed an open field tackle of one of their big backs. Right out in the middle of the field. It was embarrassing and I think about it every time I see a college or pro football player miss an open field tackle -- which happens all the time. I and another defensive player were subsequently berated at half-time by one of our coaches. I thought the blame cast in our direction was a bit unfair. After all, the only reason that defensive backs must make open field tackles is that the runners got by the rest of the team in the first place! Oh well, it comes with the territory. That was the last game that I played offense and defense. Just offense after that. For the most part, I enjoyed playing defense and I was a good pass defender. But it was just too much when you are handling the ball on every offensive play. Besides, it freed up another position to serve as experience for the younger kids. By this time it was becoming obvious to me that the coaches were looking past this season and preparing for the next. All things considered, a practical approach, even though it may have prevented having the best team on the field at all times.
From the paper: Things looked pretty dim for South after Reynolds lost 15 yards attempting to pass, but a 15-yard piling on penalty gave the Rebels new life. Reynolds, this time ignoring the pressure from the North line, waited until speedy 137-pound Smith, starting his first game, could break into the clear in the end zone. He then lofted a perfect aerial for the Reb score. Jerry Mason kicked the extra point with 4:08 remaining in the game.
Note: The part about "he then lofted a perfect aerial" is a bit much, but outside of Brent, we didn't get much good press that year. We'll take it!
Photo - Reynolds tackling North quarterback in the open field. (Hey coach, this one did NOT get away!)
Troy, Rebels Battle to 6-6 SYL Standoff
--QB Notes: Don't remember much about this game against Foothill. It appears that we were at least 90% into the ground game, with Brent rushing 18 times for 60 yards. We only threw 4 times, probably because of lack of time to throw and always being in our own territory. It is a shame to have a talent like Doug Smith go to waste. Apparently Doug caught an option pass from Brent in the endzone, but was out of bounds. That would have won the game. The paper says "Quarterback Jim Reynolds then called halfback Brent McClanahan's number and the converted signal caller .... went over tackle on a delay to score." The truth is, I didn't call one play all year. None of the varsity QB's did. Everything was brought in from the sidelines. The year before, when I was quarterbacking the JV, Eggleston let me call the plays, as I had been doing since fourth grade flag football. As JV's, we threw the ball all over the field and went 3-1. The whole team had fun. No fans, no cheer leaders, just high school kids enjoying the game of football. Some of the people reading this note were on that team.
[ Reunion Update: I spoke with Mike Newby about our junior experiences on the JV team. He told me that the JV squad was the most fun that he had in football, too. Jerry Mason, Mike, and I all share this feeling. I recalled the fact that I called all the plays and mostly remembered the prolific passing game. Mike had a different take. He said that in one game we started out by calling a fullback run up the middle and it gained 12 yards. (On the varsity, the fullback NEVER got to run the ball. It was ALWAYS Brent.) So we got back to the huddle and he says I said to the team, "Well, that worked pretty well. Let's do it again. On two." We ran it again and made another 10 yards. We went all the way up the field running the fullback up the middle, with Mike eventually crossing the goal line. That' s what happens when you let the QB call the plays. I later in the evening (reunion) recounted this to Hal Eggleston and he loved it. He enjoyed coaching us. My favorite coach of all time, hands down. To finish up the Newby story, it was he and Walt Topic that alternated on every play to bring in the calls from the sidelines from our football genius coaches.]
School Growth of 7,000 Told
Bonds Won't Upset Taxes
Photo - Gary Hunt and FFA
Officials Urge early Turnout as Polls Open
Homecoming Plans Top South High Activities
Read about it here: October 1967
November 1967
$8,970,000 School Bond Issues Pass
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 8 November 3, 1967
Crippled Vikes Invade South
Photo - Band
Rebels' McClanahan Too Much for Vikes
--QB Notes: We wore down West, which was apparently short-handed, with Brent, the I formation, and good blocking by the line (Wallace, Jack) and various guys coming out of the backfield. Brent ran the ball 31 times, which is a lot in a high school game. He averaged over 5 yards per carry and broke away for 66 yards on one play. There were some decent passes as well, since we evidently had time to throw against the Vikings. The only play I recall in this game was perhaps the best pass I threw in the entire season (not saying much, really). It was at the end of the first half, possibly the last play before halftime. The band was assembled beyond the end zone getting ready to march out and do their show. The idea was to get a score on a long pass just before the break. I had time, Doug was in the clear, and I heaved it as far as I could -- probably 50 yards or so down the left sideline. I remember watching the ball sail into the night sky and knew it was going to get to him. It hit him in the hands as he crossed into the end zone. He then dropped it. This stuff happens in football, even to the best of them. Oh well. Mike Martin told me that he was watching the play from his vantage point in the band and could not believe it. We won the game 28-13 and Brent established his dominance as a runner for "now" and the future. The die had been cast, so to speak.
I recently found the end of this article, which gives the stats and the rest of the story of the West game. According to the paper, I threw a couple touchdown passes to Doug Smith and Jeff came in and threw a short one to Dirk Van Pelt. However, the stats say that our passing was only 2-10 with two interceptions. We had 3 touchdown passes and at least three other pass completions mentioned in the game summary. Something is not adding up. South had 286 yards rushing versus West’s 41. Nice to be on the other end of that stat, for a change, but makes for an uneventful game to watch.
South Band, Drill Team Take First in Festival
Switch Rather than Fight Makes Rebels' McClanahan Ground Star (Prep of the Week)
From the article: McClanahan could probably be gaining a lot more yards with a more experienced line in front of him. But the Rebels are building for the future and have a lot of young and inexperienced linemen. "His future is very definitely as a running back, and we will have a lot more support for him next year," says Lafond.
Drillers Not Overlooking Rebel Gridmen, Briggs Says
No Title Clinched in City Statistical Races
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 9 November 10, 1967
KCUHS Assistants Names By Board (Jensen)
20-0 Win Over Rebs Bags Title
--QB Notes: BHS shut out a few teams that year, and we were one of them. Their defense, headed by Jeff Siemon, presented an insurmountable challenge for us. Siemon, you may recall, went on to play at Stanford and then professionally with the Vikings (with Brent McClanahan). It was not a great experience looking over the line of scrimmage at Siemon, four feet away, with only our smaller and inexperienced offensive lineman between us. I'm sure our guys played their hearts out. Statistically, the game was fairly even, with South running and passing for over 90 yards in each category. It's funny what you recall after 50 years, not having thought about it during the entire time since the events occurred. Our coaches needed a new wrinkle in the offense because, as good as Brent was, they knew that BHS could stuff our running game, anyway, with superior personnel and by stacking the defense. So we worked on a way of getting off very short passes. The coaches knew that we could not actually drop back and pass against these guys. That would turn into likely sacks and loss of yardage against their "dragon" defense. So two new tactics were instituted. The first was a quick pass to the left flat to the slot back, either Eugene or Dirk. This would require no drop back by the QB -- just get the ball, turn to the left and fling it out there. After a predictable number of runs to the right (5-6 Slant), this was thought to provide a certain amount of surprise and keep the QB from being tackled before he could release the ball. I don't recall if we actually used the play in the game, but possibly. Not a bad idea, but you can't do it very often without risking interceptions. The second tactic was to have the QB get the ball, run quickly to the left about two steps, then stop abrubtly and throw to a short receiver coming across the middle of the field. I don't blame the coaches for this, but there is a lot of risk in this type of play. There is no time to scan for receivers -- you just stop and throw to an area, and for a right-hander, you are throwing against your body. This actually worked a few times against BHS and we marched down the field. But they eventually caught on and put a stop to it. Too little, too late. I recall throwing an interception as they anticipated the hurried throw. However, that does not show up in the game stats. According to the paper, something happened at the end of the game that is a bit baffling. Jeff Burns was in the game at that point and, trailing 20-0, threw a 45 yard pass to, who else?, Doug Smith. It says that Smith outwrestled the defender for the ball and that "it looked like Friday night at the fights" at Memorial Stadium. Apparently, there was a fracas after the final gun sounded. Burns told me that he remembers that part well and that David Frye was somehow involved in the skirmish. I don't recall any of this. Jeff's last-second pass completion doubled our output through the air that evening.
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 10 November 17, 1967
Young Reb, EB Grids in Finale
Rebels Edge EB in Finale
--QB Notes: I'll have to defer to Jeff Burns for this one. I did not play in the game. Nor did Jerry Mason and Walt Topic. Jeff's team won the game 6-0. Had Jerry been in the game it would have been 7-0! I could be wrong, but I believe this was Mike Newby's only start, though he played a lot during the season, as I recall. This was basically a running game, with Brent rushing 33 times. That does not leave many opportunities for Eugene or the rest of the backs. South dominated East, with 24 first downs, all of them by rushing, apparently. With that many rushing first downs you are not giving the opposition much of a chance to be on offense. There wasn't much passing, according to the game stats. In a tight game I know that the coaching staff was very conservative with the passing game -- and this was a very tight game. To my knowledge, Jeff is the only South High QB in history to have a perfect record. He started one game and was victorious. Now you know!
Damages Asked for Shop Class Hand Injury
Photo - John Cotton and Ruben Rivera
Two Named Principals of High Schools
Stagecraft Class At South High Assisting With 'Teahouse' Show
Photo - Lafond
South High Thespians Ready for 'Teahouse'
Wasco 5 Spoils South's Opener
Photo - Teahouse
Top Honors Up for Grabs in Strong South Yosemite League Mat Circuit
Read about it here: November 1967
December 1967
South Cage Team Seen Improved
Photo - South's Christmas Formal - Scott Johnson, Helen DeleMater, Kathy St. Louis, Eugene Walker
Female Gridders Slip, Slither to 13-13 Tie
Coaches Make All-City Grid Selections (Williams, Mc Clanahan, Frye, Van Pelt)
Architects Proceed With KCUHS Construction Jobs
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 11 December 8, 1967
Rebel 5 Suffers Fourth Straight Loss on Coast
28,877 High School Pupils Now Enrolled
Rebel Dribblers in 69-60 Loss at S. Barbara
SHS Ski Club to Hold Pre-Yule Fashion Fete
All-City Prep Gridders Honored
Drillers' Brown, Siemon Take Top Honors
Panthers Hand Rebel Quint Its 6th Loss in Row
Rebel-Alumni Cage Tilt Set
Spirit Enhances SH Corps
Christmas Tea Invitation
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.12 December 15, 1967
Dirk Van Pelt Named South's MVP Gridder
Photo - Homemaking
Avery Allen Ends Career as Educator
Alumni Loses to Rebs; McGill Stars
Rebs Advance With First Win
Photo - South vs Delano
Read about it here: December 1967
January 1968
South High Five on Road Tonight
"Diary of Anne Frank" to Be Produced by SHS Feb. 22-24
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No.13 January 11, 1968
West 5 Nips South in First SYL Game
Photo - Honor Choral and Orchestra Festival
Local Prep Mat Fans Treated to Titanic Friday
High School Assistant Principal Given Post
Undefeated South Wrestlers Score Victory Over NH Stars
More Fans Than Seats for Local Prep Wrestling
Driller 5 Faces Rebels in Tuneup for Blades
Drillers in Romp vs. Rebs
Photo - Fontaine
South to Hold Seminar
Stars Take Costly Victory Over South
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 14 January 25, 1968
Blade 5 Hosts Rebels Tonight
Photo - Headrick and Schumacher
Blades Crush Rebs, 77-28
Photo - Carson and Honor Choir and Orchestra
Read about it here: January 1968
February 1968
Vike Spoilers Face Rebs on South Boards
3 Youths Held in Marijuana Probe
Troy Tops Rebels To Take 3rd Spot
Byes Create Controversy in Prep Mat Meets
New Language Study Approach Developed (Sharpe)
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 15 February 8, 1968
SH Risks Unbeaten Mark vs. Drillers
South Vies for Upset Against Driller Five
South Victory Knocks North Into SYL Cellar
Five Arrested on Suspicion of Marijuana
4 Arrested in Narcotics Investigation
Three Marijuana Suspects Arrested
Blades' Parrish Hits Record 41 Against Rebels
Photo - Diary of Anne Frank
Rebels Maintain Perfect Record in Tennis Play
Curtain Call is Sounded
Photo - FFA (Gary Hunt and Roanne Massoni)
Photo - Loren Johnson - computers
Curtain Going Up Tonight at SHS for 'Anne Frank'
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 16 February 22, 1968
Diary of Anne Frank Program
2 Courses in Math Added at South High (computer math and programming)
South Faculty Slips Past Varsity Cagers
Rebs Open Track Year vs. Trojans Tomorrow
Photo - Library - Karen Law
Read about it here: February 1968
March 1968
Leads Revealed for Finian's Rainbow
Foothil Girls, Rebs Extend Tennis Skeins
Rebel Spikers Edge Foothill
South Hi Will Do 'Rainbow'
One Rader Remains As South Nine Makes Title Bid
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 17 March 7, 1968
South Baseball Team Winless in Five Starts
Photo - Art
Note from Homemaking class
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 18 March 21, 1968
Trojans Walk To Win in SYL Opener
South Tankers Take Beating in Porterville
Reb Spikers Score 102 Against North
Nursery school note
High School Trustees Okay Additions for Five Campuses
Blades Top Rebels to Keep Pace
Photo - Rebelettes - Diane Garcia and Shirley Darnell
NH's Crissman One-Hits South in Mound Debut
Read about it here: March 1968
April 1968
Schedule Tribute to Dance (Rebelettes)
Photo - Bank of America Achievement Award (Susan Edwards)
Photo - Sirroco
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 19 April 4, 1968
A Tribute To Dance - Program for Rebelettes
Mike Davis Wins Two Honors in Show
South Freshman Hurls One-Hitter vs. West
10 at South High Earn All-A Marks
'Finian's Rainbow' Will Be Presented by SHS Players
Three-Way Fight Continues for South Yosemite Net Lead
Five Records Fall in Delano Kiwanis Relays
Foothill Golfers Win; Rebels, East Swamped
Rebs' Jones in 9.6 100
Photo - Finian's Rainbow
McCuen Steps Out After 39-Year School Career
Stars Sweep Rebs in SYL Swim Meet
Rebel Nine Stuns Troy by 15-8 Tab
'Rainbow' to Open Tomorrow
Ken Jones Shows Coach Why He Shouldn't Run 440 Race
(Prep of the Week)
Drillers Win as Smith Strands 16 Reb Runners
South High Presents Finian's Rainbow (program)
Rebels Nab 4-3 Win Over Vikes
Briscoe Named Project Leader for KCJUHSD
Rebel Linksmen Upset North Hi
Read about it here: April 1968
May 1968
North High 9 Batters Rebels, 15-2
400 More Attend Kern High Schools Than During 1967
Photo - Junior-Senior Prom
BHS Choice for Usual SYL Track Meet Win
Photo - All State Honor Band - Willie Talluto and Vickie Burke
Kenny Jones Dashes to Record Double
-- Rebel Clocks 9.5, 21.3 in League Meet
Photo - Don Faulkenberry playing baseball at Cal State LA
Photo - Edward Parks, South High Orchestra
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 21 May 9, 1968
Kern Prep Stars Score WCR Wins
Prom Is Slated
Hailey, Jones Eye Honors at West Coast Relays
Photo - FTA
Invitation to "Spring Cotillion"
Invitation to the Jr-Sr Prom
Kern County Land Company finalists for scholarships
Six-Run Rally Aids South in Troy Defeat
South High School 1968 Junior-Senior Prom Spring Cotillion
Star 9 Rallies to Beat South Rebels
Photo - Choral Concert (Mike Bailey)
Spring Choral Concert (program)
Invitation to Retirement Dinner
Teacher Pay Raise Will Boost Taxes
SH Frosh Tibbs Stars in Finale
Jones, Hitchcock Set SYL Divisional Marks
South High Orchestra Concert (program)
Freshmen Sparkle in Valley Trackfest
Rebel Yell Vol 11 No. 22 May 23, 1968
SH Band Concert Is Set Friday
South High Earns Four of Six Drama Festival Awards
Photo - South High School Faculty Wives
SHS Club Installs Leaders
Spring Sports Banquet (program)
Six Valley Crowns Garnered By Kern High School Teams
Photo - Rebel Yell Awards - Patti Keller, Herbert Jung, Susan Edwards
All-SYL Baseball Team Named (Rader)
Sarah and the Sax (program)
Read about it here: May 1968
June 1968
Jones, Smith, Rader Claim Top Reb Awards
Photo - Patti Keller - Most Valuable Staffer Award
Jones' 9.7 Paces Qualifiers in State
Photo - Senior Sound Off (Darnell, Burns, St.Louis, Walker)
Photo - Entertainers for senior nights
South High's GAA Is Named 'Club of Year'
David Hill Will Lead South High
High School Board Wins Merit Award
Photo - Commencements for local high schools (Reynolds)
Reb Sprinter Jones Drew Bad Lane in State 220 Finale ("he was robbed")
South High Sets Commencement for 330 Seniors
South High School Class of '68 Commencement Program
333 Graduated at South High; Jensen Speaker
Photo - Grant and Dennis Jensen
Walker Wins Rebel Award (Sam Lynn Trophy)
The SCICON School Barbecue
National Environmental Educ ation Development
Welcome to SCICON
Read about it here: June 1968
July 1968
Photo - South High School Summer Drama Workshop (2)
Photo - Daniel Beene scholarship from Signal Oil Company
South High Players Ready for Curtain of 'Boyfriend'
Photo - 'Boyfriend'
Photo - 'The Devil and Daniel Webster'
Photo - Summer School Session - John Cotton
Herbert Jung Awarded Four-Year Scholarship (Harvard)
Read about it here: July 1968