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The Year 1968
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50th Reunion Photos
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Turnout: Results
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50th Group IV
Jeff Leong Photos
50th Group V
50th Group VI
50th Group VII
Past Class Reunions
Past Class Reunions
5th Reunion 1973
10th Reunion 1978
20th Reunion 1988
20th Reunion 1988
20th Candids
25th Reunion 1993
35th Reunion 2003
41st Reunion 2009
M&G Photos
M&G Photos
Final Rating
Group A 5:52-6:12
Group B 6:12-6:22
Group C 6:25-6:36
Group D 6:36-7:00
Group E 7:00-7:30
Group Last 7:30-8:00
Who’s Been Online?
My Reunion Story, Part One
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Your 50th Feedback
1965-68 Merrimac
School Year Scrap Book
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Teacher Memorials
Clete Harper
Russel Kominitsky
Jeannine Thompson
Romaine Cote
Harold Eggleston
Judy Elkins
Hal Williams
Don Murfin
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Rebel Yell
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Greenfield 1964
1958 Merrimac
Golden State HB
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10-10-2020: One Year Away
10-10-2020 Birthday Survey
The Flowers of 2019
Birds of a Feather
Your Education Stories
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Will Hanna Story
Mike Martin Story
Vickie Burke Story
Sara Hitchcock Story
A Discussion With Don Ward
Denny’s Memorial Service
Jim’s Done List
Impeachment Comments
Big Speaker Guy
Political Cartoons
Who Signed On This Year?
Ross Perot Historical Survey
SSB Harmonic Convergence
O Magnum Mysterium
1968 History/Videos
Comments 03-18-2020
Diversocrats and our Colleges
Bakersfield Californian (1968)
Californian With Dropbox
History of www.SouthHigh68.com Emails
Promising Covid-19 Treatments
Coronavirus Numbers
Cartoons 4-27-2020
RL Letter
CNN Opinion
What You Thought In 1968
Religious Point of View
View From COVID Survivor
Does HCQ Work?
Fires In The Sierra Nevada
What Is In an Electric Car?
Fine People Hoax Described
Stop Lockdowns
WHO: Don’t Use Lockdowns
TownHall.com Cartoons
Pickett’s Charge
Elon Musk and Covid Testing
Political Cartoons 5-19-2021
South High School
Class of 1968
header 1
Bakersfield South High School
Class of 1968
header 2
Bakersfield South High School
Class of 1968
header 3
Home Page
Open Our Schools
The Year 1968
50th Reunion Photos
50th Reunion Photos
Great Team Effort
50th Group I
50th Group II
Highest Turnout
Turnout Part Two
Turnout: Results
50th Group III
50th Group IV
Jeff Leong Photos
50th Group V
50th Group VI
50th Group VII
Past Class Reunions
Past Class Reunions
5th Reunion 1973
10th Reunion 1978
20th Reunion 1988
20th Reunion 1988
20th Candids
25th Reunion 1993
35th Reunion 2003
41st Reunion 2009
M&G Photos
M&G Photos
Final Rating
Group A 5:52-6:12
Group B 6:12-6:22
Group C 6:25-6:36
Group D 6:36-7:00
Group E 7:00-7:30
Group Last 7:30-8:00
Who’s Been Online?
My Reunion Story, Part One
Backdrop Photos
Recent Surveys and Interest
Your 50th Feedback
1965-68 Merrimac
School Year Scrap Book
Teacher Memorials
Teacher Memorials
Clete Harper
Russel Kominitsky
Jeannine Thompson
Romaine Cote
Harold Eggleston
Judy Elkins
Hal Williams
Don Murfin
Old Class Photos
Favorite Teacher
Rebel Yell
Top Tunes 1964-68
Senior Photo Pages
In Memory
Our Teachers and Staff
Other Yearbooks
Other Yearbooks
Greenfield 1964
1958 Merrimac
Golden State HB
Panama Beehive
Missing Classmates
10-10-2020: One Year Away
10-10-2020 Birthday Survey
The Flowers of 2019
Birds of a Feather
Your Education Stories
Did Not Attend
Will Hanna Story
Mike Martin Story
Vickie Burke Story
Sara Hitchcock Story
A Discussion With Don Ward
Denny’s Memorial Service
Jim’s Done List
Impeachment Comments
Big Speaker Guy
Political Cartoons
Who Signed On This Year?
Ross Perot Historical Survey
SSB Harmonic Convergence
O Magnum Mysterium
1968 History/Videos
Comments 03-18-2020
Diversocrats and our Colleges
Bakersfield Californian (1968)
Californian With Dropbox
History of www.SouthHigh68.com Emails
Promising Covid-19 Treatments
Coronavirus Numbers
Cartoons 4-27-2020
RL Letter
CNN Opinion
What You Thought In 1968
Religious Point of View
View From COVID Survivor
Does HCQ Work?
Fires In The Sierra Nevada
What Is In an Electric Car?
Fine People Hoax Described
Stop Lockdowns
WHO: Don’t Use Lockdowns
TownHall.com Cartoons
Pickett’s Charge
Elon Musk and Covid Testing
Political Cartoons 5-19-2021
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Linda S Abernathy (Craft)
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Shirley E Ackling
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Mark T Anderson
Dick Anthes
Alan Arao
Robert L Archerd
Edward Leon Arnold
Roger Avila
Craig Bailey
Michael G Bailey
Tom Bailey
Stephen Baltazar
John Barajas
Gary Barnes
Gregory Barraza
Carol J Baugh (Massahos)
Michael F Beckerdite
Daniel Beene
Dave Bell
Peggy Bell
Jimmy Belyeu
John Bennett
Bill Bess
Kenneth W Blado
Janada M Bloxom (Shepard)
Kathy M Boggs (Unrau)
Gloria Bowden
Joel Bridges
Dorothy Brigley
Douglas Brooks
Dennis Brothers
John H Brown
Linda Brown
Yvette Brown (Tate)
Linda C Brownlee (Valenti)
Marsha A Bumbalough
Linda S Burdish
Peggy Ann Burk (Gonzales)
Vickie Burke (Schallock)
Jeff Burns
Michael D Bush
Dennis Caldwell
Bruce R Campbell
Ronald E Canfield
Randall Cardoza
Johnny William Carls
Pam J Carter (Lucatero)
Roberta P Castro (Grijalva)
Gary D Chambless
Ed Chapman
Joe Chavez
Denny Cheatham
Pat Cherry (Hayden)
Michael Chinn
Jeff E Churchwell
Leland Clark
Wes Clements
Steven P Cofer
Ivory G Cole
Freddy P Contreras
John Copeland
Roger Cottengim
John Cotton
Karen Couch (Diederich)
Jack Courson
Ken Courtney
Marilyn Cowan
Harold Dee Cox
Linda Cox (Smith)
Carla J Crevier
Ron R Cribbs
Linda J Dabbs
Kathy A Daniel
Robert C Daniels
Shirley A Darnell
Charlane Davis (Hicks)
Dana Davis (Holloway)
James Davis
Kathy Davis (Fenske)
Michael E Davis
Mickye J Davis
Terry Deaton
Debbie Lynn Del Papa
Charles Del Re'
Helen DeLaMater (Watts)
Bobbie Deschwanden (Snow)
Linda Dyar
Denny A Eakin
Daniel Carter Ebersole
James Edgar
Brenda Edwards (Hackney)
Susan L Edwards
Jean Ellefson (Hoffman)
Arthur L Ellison
Jesse G Espinoza
Robert L Evans
Jack L Fisher
Michael Jack Fisher
Susan M Flack (Weldin)
Molly Flanagan
Steve Flores
Jana C Followwill (McDaneld)
Sharon L Francis
Steven Franco
Lawrence Franklin
Sandra G Franklin (Chambless)
Richard L Freeman
Donna R French (Hale)
David Frye
Kenneth Gaines
Robert Gaines
Mary Ann Gallacher (Lofthouse)
Diane Yvette Garcia (Davis)
Penny C Garcia (Frank)
Solomon J Garcia
Sylvia L Gary (Horner)
Claudia Gibbins
Carroll Ann Gibbs
Michael Gilbert
Jeffrey Goines
Linda Sue Graham
Jesse Grandson
Paul Graves
Cozetta Gray
Theresa Green (Johnson)
Laura Gregory (Wanagitis)
Mary E Grens (Sawyer)
Susan Gresham (Dykes)
Sheree Hale (Cade)
James Hall
Gwen Hance (Hall)
William B Hanna
Barbara Harding
Dennis J Harrington
Barbara Harris
Cindy J Harris (Colglazier)
Mariann Harris (Chavez)
Marshall Haskins
Arthur Hayes
Lonnie Hayes
Sharon Haynes (Weldin)
Lucinda Hays (Wood)
Ron Headrick
Terry Heflin
Janice Heinlein
Suzie Margaret Heinrichs (M…)
Dan Hellyer
Raymond M Hernandez
Andrew Herron
Jimmie L Herron
Judy Hill (Barnes|/LaPlante)
Anna M Hinton (Bates)
Sara Hitchcock (Watson)
Dorothea Marie Hoag (Blotz Gi…)
Steve Hogan
Roxanne Holmes (Monsibais)
Suzanne Holton (Hunt)
Bobby Hooks
Turley Nathaniel Hopkins
Ronald A Hudson
Gary L Hunt
Pamela Hunt (Powell)
James Clifford Ivey
Rosemary A Izquierdo
Karen C Jacobs (Hughes)
Dennis Jensen
Tom G Jewell
Scott Johnson
Daryl J Jones
Dorothy K Jones
Gary Jones
Kenneth Jones
Orlean Jones
Paula J Jones
Peggy Jordon
Herbert Jung
Nancy L Keener
Patti Keller
Sheila A Kelley
Gwyanda J Kemp
Willie P Kemper
Patti Ketcham
Elaine Key (Woodruff)
Virginia A Kirkbride
Ray Klingensmith
Gary Alex Kozy
Carol Kuest
Anna M Kulovic
Jane Kutilek
Edgar J Lamkin
Howard Lasater
Karen Law
Phillip D Lee
Phil Lehman
Steven Lehner
Jeffrey Leong
Diana Lewis
Robert H Lewis
Bonnie Lindroff (Bea Davis)
Ronnie Little
Gilbert Lizalde
Rose M Lopez (Martinez)
Rita L Lozano (Weser)
Victoria Lukens (McMillen)
Roscoe Lynch
Andrea M Mack (Byers)
Roger Madewell
Sandra Magana
Marsha Magness
Joe Mallard
Vera A Malone (Killough)
Corinne-Valerie Marin
Gary S Marshall
Geneva Ann Martin (Mott)
Gregory Keith Martin
Mike Martin
Kathy Mashburn
Jerry D Mason
Roanne Massoni (Banducci)
Vicki May (Reynolds; Cadick)
Tom J McBrearty
Norma McClellan (Del Re)
Kathleen McCray
Billy R McDaniel (Moore)
Richard McGee
Dan McLean
Tony Melo
William Micheau
Delores K Mills (Davis)
Fon I Millsap (Evetts)
Robert G Molina
Tom Molinar
Melinda Moore (Rivasplata)
Ray Morin
Carol A Morse (Martin)
Virgie L Moten
Stephen B Narducci
Marta Nave (Newby)
Diane P Nelson (Melanson)
Michael Newby
Ronnie R Newton
Gary Nichols
Sharon O'Dell (Martin)
Michael Obee
John L Oberg
Glen O'Brien
Donna O'Donley (Clark)
Ray Okida
John R Otterness
Verna Overton
Vernon Padgett
Sally Parker (Ayres)
DeAnn Paslay (Harper)
Linda J Penner (Haenelt)
Carl Donald Peoples
Richard L Peoples
Melvin Peterson
Betty C Philbrick (Skov)
Lynna J Philley (Rice)
Barry Phillips
Daryl Guy Phillips
Peggy E Pilling (Limi)
Gary Plotner
Kenneth Russel Porter
Margaret (Kathy?) Porter
Don Poteet
Janie Pratt (Campbell)
Bobby J Rader
Chuck Ramos
Ralph Rangel
Rick Rangel
Patricia Ratcliff
Pam Ray
James Reynolds
Bob Richardson
Wayne Richardson
Cathy L Rieken (Elder)
Ruben Rivera
Cynthia D Robey
Roger Rodart
Howard J Rodgers
Paul Thomas Rodriguez
Beverly Roe (Haring)
Lynda Roe
Billy Rogers
Glenda Rogers (Drake)
Ronald Rogers
Dwight Rollins
Allen W Romanoff
Dale Rosen
Alice Rue
Brenda L Ruebel (Balkam)
Gena Gail Russie (Swain)
Andy Sanchez
Addie Sanders
Maxine Schmidt
Jim Schumann
Zachary D Sconiers
Dave Scott
Rodney T Scott
Bill D Seabourn
Ronnie Sessions
Alan Shackelford
Sheryl S Shaw (Wiggins)
Cathy L Shelburne
Shelley Shell (Klein)
Marie Sheppard
Carol Shields (Apperson)
Mark Shipman
Janet Shirley (Stone)
Richard Short
Lynn A Siegrist (Montanio)
Anita Smith
Connie Z Smith
Eddie G Smith
Judy Smith
Kathy Smith
Linda Smith
Nita D Smith
Stephen Smith
William Smith
Don Snow
Paulo Sousa
Kathy St. Louis (Ward)
Debbie Starr
John Steers
Sharon Stephens (Bibee)
Denny Stewart
Bryan B Stovall
Sam J Stover
David J Strauser
Phillip V Strong
James Stuart
Gail L Swedenskey (Jacobus)
William (Willie) Talluto
Ples Taylor
Brenda Thomas
Katy Thomas
Vickie J A Thompson (Sharp)
Jean M Thorne (Crawford)
Cheryl Tidmore (McLemore)
Steven Tinsley
Warren Toon
Walter S Topic
Jim Tucker
Stephanie A Tufts (Fraker)
Robert E Underwood
Dirk Van Pelt
Sally Varner (Panero)
Roosevelt Vickers
Diane Vido (Moore)
Vicki Villicano
Eugene Walker
Larry Walker
Phillip Walker
Edna Walls
Janet Ward (Endsley)
Marsha Ward (Presley)
Daniel Wardlow
Kenneth R Webb
Judy Weed (Dotson)
Ron Whitten
Joe Nathan Wilkerson
Tina Willey
Bill Williams
Doris Williams
Ron Williams
Wallace T Williams
Gerald Willis
Paula C Willis (Scheideman)
Ron Wilson
Ethel Wimsett (Landers)
Linda J Winkle
Donnie Ray Womack
Mike Womack
Kelly Steven Wood
Shirley J Wood
Kenneth Woodard
Janet Woods (Girard)
Fabious E Worthy
Dwight Wright
Frances Yarbrough (Watson)
Joe Wayne Young
Alan Zachary
Shirley Zentmire (Salas)
Guest Members
Pam Bailey
Bruce Boyer
Tony Cornett
Romaine Cote
Hal Eggleston
Larry Fanucchi
Helen Felton
Robert Gabbitas
Clete Harper
John Henderson
Mr Myron Klingensmith
Clyde Klingler
Nancy Carol Limi
Sam Louie
John Reynolds
James Riley
Debra Shipman
Billie Smith (Grisert)
Ron Steinman
Bill Ver Heul
Don Ward
Peggy Whittemore (Zachary)
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