Here are the first 30 or so reviews submitted by people who attended the event. We did not cherry pick. These are essentially what was submitted, in the order that the reviews were sent in.
The "Outstanding" rating is well over 90%, with a couple "Pretty Good" hard graders. You can see this in the survey results.
The committee thanks everybody for your participation.
If you work it right, your feedback may result in a possible tax deduction. See below.
A big thank you to the committee for inviting me. I had a wonderful time talking to friends that I have not seen in many years. Regards, Tony Cornett
- Tony Cornett
The event was great and the reunion committee deserves a huge vote of thanks for their efforts. The food was great. The drinks were great and VERY reasonable. The gift bags were fun. The Web site has been an excellent way to communicate and get updated on everyone's lives. Overall it was VERY well done. The only negative thing I can think of is the other party that was going at the same time as ours at the Eagles lodge. The noise was a little distracting at times, but it was a minor nuisance and I don't think that was something that anyone could have anticipated. Thanks again to all who helped with the organization and preparations.
- Ron Wilson
The committee and you did a very outstanding job of getting the class back together. Also the class in my opinion made each one feel like they were glad to be in attendance.
- Richard L Peoples
The event was not long enough. I did not get a chance to talk to everyone I wanted. The Eagles meal was good. The music was exceptional. Sad that some felt the need to skip this event. You never know who will die next.
- Lynna J Philley (Rice)
Everything that was under our control worked out great. Congratulations to everybody. I was not happy with the loud noise next door. The Eagles made a huge mistake in booking that event on the same evening as ours. They told us that this would not be a problem. It was a big problem. I am sorry to say that I was disappointed in their management of this situation. On the other hand, the food line went smoothly and the bar staff did a great job, as well.
- James Reynolds
It was so great to visit with so many classmates, and thank you to Jim and to the many others who contributed their time and effort, sacrifice so that we could enjoy such a wonderful event that we will never forget.
- Johnny William Carls
What an amazing time! It was really a treat to reunite with old friends and classmates and reminisce about our high school years. It was unfortunate that, unknown to us, another (loud) event had been booked adjacent to ours. Had a great time despite this!
- Vickie Burke (Schallock)
As my wife and I live in Oklahoma I don't have the opportunity to see old classmates. So it was great to see several classmates and teachers I hadn't seen in years. My wife enjoyed it as well. Thanks to everyone that made this event possible.
- Dennis Brothers
I had a great time. Reminiscing with old friends brought fifty years back to yesterday. Thanks to the hard work of a few brought happy memories to many. Thanks to Jim and his hard workers.
- Raymond M Hernandez
The Meet & Greet was a wonderful opportunity to get your feet wet, so to speak. I thought that the amount of time allotted for both the Meet & Greet and the Reunion dinner was about right. The Eagles did seem a bit small for the number of people in attendance, but I really don't know what additional venues might be available in Bakersfield. In summation, I had a great time and am sorry for the class members who could not attend. They missed amazing experience.
- Kathy St. Louis (Ward)
A few weeks ago I was pondering not attending.... I hadn't see so many in the past 50 years. Didn't think I would have any fun... WOW I am so glad that I attended. This reunion generated memories to last our lifetimes! I just wish that we had more time, and quiet times together to reminisce! Thank you so much, Committee, for the hard work you put in to make this an outstanding event!
- Dennis Jensen
Understanding how much effort it takes to put on an event like this, I think the committee did an outstanding job! Tremendous turnout, great to rekindle old friendships. The golf tournament was great fun & successful, the M&G was a nice way to become reacquainted. Miss the ones that didn't attend & really miss the ones that weren't here to attend. Gone too soon. Overall, a fantastic weekend! We're so glad we came!
- Jimmy Belyeu
I loved seeing all of my old Classmates' again & had a blast reminiscing ! Glad I came & wouldn't have missed it for the World ! Brenda Edwards-Hackney 😃❤ Thank you to everyone on the Reunion Committee fpr putting together such a successful & fun Reunion ! Go South High Rebels' !
- Brenda Edwards (Hackney)
I thought everything was great! Just wish I could have visited with more people. I kept making the rounds but still missed several. It was very loud & difficult to talk. I know the committee is probably very glad it is over. They did an awesome job on everything. I know they worked very hard & I for one appreciated it all very much. I'm so glad I came. I knew if I missed it I would always regret it. I enjoyed my time Sat. with Jeff Leong & Lynna Philly checking out the 2 Greenlawn cemeteries & having lunch. I love the website. I hope we can keep it going. Willie Stubblefield and wife Linda & I have become good friends because of it. No telling how many messages we have sent to one another. I look forward t seeing the photos. I forgot to change setting on my camera, so mine all blurred. Great Job!!! I'm looking forward to the next. Call on me & I will do what I can to help.
- Linda Cox (Smith)
The reunion was fabulous! Kudos to the planning committee; thank you for all the committee's hard work to provide us a fun time. I talked with some BHS graduates on Sunday morning and they told me, just by listening to the things we did, that their reunion wasn't nearly as fun as ours.
- Sheryl S Shaw (Wiggins)
Huge thanks to all for the work that you put into planning, organizing and then orchestrating the 1968 50th high school class reunion. I have only praises for the reunion weekend.
- Kathy Mashburn
Well worth the wait! Let me amend that. Fifty years was too damn long. The reunion gave Linda and me, especially me, memories for the next fifty years or at least for a few more … hopefully. Old friends, old memories, new friends, new memories, and a steak that created its own mouth-watering memories. The planning committee needs to puff up their chests, put a bounce in their steps, and slap each other’s backs for super job by any standard. Thanks for all your labors for your classmates. Don’t know what else to say; Linda and I will remember those special moments time and again over the years!
- Willie Stubblefield
Two weeks ago I was still on the fence but at Jim Reynolds' urging, I signed up for both the Meet N Greet and the Reunion. I had all the normal excuses but I had logged on to the website and visited it off and on. I enjoyed the many interesting stories and photos. So with great apprehension, I went to Friday's event thinking if I was that uncomfortable, I would bail. Wow! I had a great time. I never sat down and talked with old friends all evening. Great food and drink. I ran out of time to talk to everyone. They had to kick us out at closing time. I could't wait to go to Saturday's event and I wasn't disappointed. Again the event was perfect. There was a conflict with the second event at the Eagles but after a couple of drinks, that noise could be overlooked. More great conversations. No clicks. No egos. Nothing but people enjoying the precious little time we had together again. Hats off to the committee for planning a great night. Whoever thought of those buttons (upon arrival, we drew a big button from a jar with someone's photo and we had to go find that person and give them the button) deserves an award. Great idea. Special kudos to Jim for such a great website. It certainly made the whole experience even better. Thanks much for making the 50th Reunion such a success. For those of you that missed it, make sure you make it to the next one.
- Donald Allen
Had a blast!! Thank you for inviting Class of 68 freshman!! It was great getting to re-connecte with old classmates. Nancy
- Nancy Carol Limi
Although I did not graduate with you all from South, I felt very welcome at your reunion. You did a great job putting everything together. It was a fun evening. THANK YOU
- Sam Louie
I had a good time trying to figure out who was who among our Greenfield and South High friends. The turnout was impressive. Thank you committee members for your hard work and dedication to creating a memorable event. A special thank you to my best friend since 1st grade,Trudy Souza (Mooney), and to the love of my life, Domingo Lopez, encouraging me to attend the reunion. God’s blessings to all who have passed and to all who are still here.
- Peggy Ann Burk (Gonzales)
Outside of many of us with canes, walkers, or what ever knocking over chairs (it was worth it) nothing could of been better. For those on the committee "OUTSTANDING" all was great. We truly enjoyed ourselves and praying we may attend any future reunions. At least we'll recognize people then. I hop you can keep the web site going. I looked forward to seeing it pop up on my e-mail.
- Susan M Flack (Weldin)
A great job. Your hard work paid off beautifully. So glad I attended.
- Sara Hitchcock (Watson)
Thanks very much to everyone who worked so hard to make last weekend such a huge success. Everything from the MG to the buttons upon arrival, the beautiful table decorations, the goodie bags etc were exceptionally well done. Thanks also to those who traveled to be there to share these events. It really was great to see everyone and catch up.
- Gary Plotner
Had a great time , it felt that there was not a lot of time to visit everyone. I enjoy looking into their eyes to see the teenager that I once new. Let's all keep in touch. Thank again
- Joe Mallard
As a committee member working with this team was fun. There were moments of frustration in finding members but this group was tenacious. To see the end result from all the hard work and hear at the event such positive comments was the best compliment we could receive. Plus I reconnected with some great friends I had not seen in 50 yrs. Great work Team!
- Carol A Morse (Martin)
From M&G to the reunion it was more than I would have expected. Seeing friends and visiting was awesome. Exchanging phone numbers and promising to keep in touch was a highlight. I didn’t realize so many of the classmates were still here in Bako. I did lose contact while living in Idaho for 13 years though. Also, it was good to get acquainted with the committee group. Pleased to be a part of the group.
- Cheryl Tidmore (McLemore)
It went by so fast, felt like I did not get time to talk to everyone and did not even get to thank all of you who put so much effort and time creating this. I definitely will go to the pre event as it was probably more intimate and more time to talk
- Bobbie Deschwanden (Snow)
Best it could be. enjoyed every part of it
- Wes Clements
Outstanding does not do justice to the reunion. I had a great time meeting old friends as well as class mates I went to school with and did not have the opportunity to know back then. The committee did an excellent job. If any one would like to contact me feel free to do so. My email address is My web site is My number is 405-640-6378 and my office number is 405-275-63336. Since I advertised I can claim the trip as a tax deduction. lol
- Michael Gilbert
Well I woke up Sunday morning with no way to use my voice to make it work....I'm usually asleep by 8:00 but closed the gatherings down both nights and still didn't have enough time to talk with enough folks. Lost my voice talking and listening with old friends and new, whether it was retelling youthful stories or listening to wisdom gathered over the years. Thank-you to all involved for a great week-end.
- Mike Martin
I had a Wonderful time reconnecting with old friends & long lost classmates!! Terrific Reunion!! Well worth the trip from Washington!!
- DeAnn Paslay (Harper)